Hormones & Dairy

I didn't know I was sensitive to dairy. I just knew I loved cheese and enjoyed a tall glass of milk with every meal. I got BabyBels and CheeseStrings in my school lunches and Kraft Dinner that I dressed up with a LOT of extra cheese at home. I grew up with the slogans "Milk Does a … Continue reading Hormones & Dairy

The Protein-Hormone Connection and How It Involves Chocolate

I love chocolate. If I had to live on one flavour forever, I feel like I'd be perfectly content choosing chocolate. Loving chocolate and craving chocolate are not the same creature. For the first week of World Vegan Month, I've been focusing on plant protein and how to get enough. Now I'm going to take … Continue reading The Protein-Hormone Connection and How It Involves Chocolate

LoveBites: Seed Cycling

Seed cycling! Who's doing it? Who wants to know more about it? This is one of many tools in your arsenal for helping rein in estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones involved in balancing your menstrual cycle, like testosterone, FSH, and LH. Seeds typically used for this: flax & pumpkin for days 1-14 or follicular phase; sunflower & … Continue reading LoveBites: Seed Cycling

PCOS Might Break Your Heart – What Can You Do?

February is Heart Month. What does that have to do with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) or plant-based living? Simply put, people with PCOS are at a greater risk of developing other metabolic disorders, including insulin resistance, diabetes, thyroid imbalance, and heart disease. Plant-based diets are a growing phenomenon not just for their environmental impact, but their studied … Continue reading PCOS Might Break Your Heart – What Can You Do?